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“Thy Lovingkindness” guitar chords / lead sheet

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Get this lead sheet from our video tutorial on how to play "Thy Lovingkindness". You can download it for free or donate your chosen amount to support our work.

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In this traditional version tutorial “Thy Loving-kindness” we will show you how to play full C chord on guitar (with added 6th string) and how to play full F chord (with added 5th string).

We also share a creative picking pattern and how to pick different (alternating) bass strings on guitar for beginners. Stick around to the end of the tutorial, where we show you a bit of how to create your own bass line on guitar for a worship song (similar to bass fills): hope you enjoy learning to fingerpick this new right hand technique, which are great for other church songs too.

“Thy Loving kindness” (in the key of C) is a beautiful old hymn for family worship, and is an engaging song to sing for home worship with kids.

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“Thy Lovingkindness” guitar chords / lead sheet

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